December 18, 2009

My fellow soon-to-be's

So one thing you should know about me is that I have always been surrounded by really strong, amazing, beautiful, smart, and all-around fabulous women in my life. I know everyone always says they have the best friends and family in the world, but in my world, it really is true. I think that I am really lucky to constantly be surrounded by successful women - and they all are truly successful in their own unique ways too. They are the ones who push me to be better and are the ones who listen to me moan and complain when I am having a hard time at work or school or life, and I am lucky to have found such an amazing group of ladies to surround myself with.

Additionally, one of the really nice things about being engaged right now is that I have quite a few friends who are currently going through wedding planning (plus one or two who have already gone to the big dance). They understand my pains, my moods, and my need to plan everything two years in advance, so that is kind of nice to have around. Plus, my friends are all so different, and it is nice to bounce ideas off of each of them because I know I will get different inputs based on their different styles.

That being said, I am crazy excited for this weekend. One of my darling former roommates is getting married next month, so we are all spending the weekend in Chicago to celebrate the end of her singlehood. And let's be clear, it's going to be a PARTY! (cuz that's how we roll)

I can't wait to see all of my girls :) Some fun to report on that when we get back!

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